Friday 28 December 2012

There have only been two people I have ever cried over in my life, one was my mother. He meant the world to me, and nothing can replace him. The other was you. You are the only person I have ever felt this way for, and I will never forget you.

To all of those who read this, this is tribute to my best friend. She is everything to me, and I can never tell her how I feel. It's far too complicated to spell out for anyone, and I want you to all know the even if you cant have the one you love, there is still hope. Even if its a glimmer, or the faintest sliver, there is still a hope. My hope is that one day she will realize how I feel, and that I fell for her years ago. I know that you love him, and that we are best friends. I know that you know I have feelings for you, and I'm glad you didn't drive me away when you found out.

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